Friday 20 September 2013



Having copies of your medical records can help you manage your health care as you wish, according to your own health goals and on your own schedule.
You can use the information in your records to conduct research online, consult with other patients and health care professionals, and use a variety of computer applications – like programs that can track your blood pressure over time or help you reach your health goals. You can also use the information to make it easier to keep track of when you are due for preventive visits.

Reduce errors and redundancy

You can review the copies of your medical records to spot errors. You have the right to request corrections to your record (although your provider can deny your request in some circumstances). [See Do I have the right to request a correction to my medical record?]

If you change providers or use multiple providers, bringing a copy of test results can save time and reduce duplicate tests.

You can give other caregivers – such as at-home care specialists – access to your records on your behalf.

Follow up for more.

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