Saturday 5 October 2013

Black History Month: David Cameron

Black History Month: Social Mobility and Young People

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

David Cameron

I'm delighted to support this year's Black History Month - now in its 26th year of celebrating the achievements, culture and history of African-Caribbean people in the UK. Coming in the same year as the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech it is fitting that this year's themes are social mobility and young people.
Half a century on from that historic and inspiring speech we, as a nation, must ensure that young people, regardless of their ethnicity or background, have the opportunity to reach their full potential.
I passionately believe that everyone should have a fair chance at life in Britain today. We are in a global race and we need to nurture all our brightest and best talent so that we can succeed as a nation.
I'm pleased to see that so much of that talent is being realised by Britons of African-Caribbean heritage, whose young entrepreneurs and businessmen and women are spearheading our country's economic recovery at the ground level. It's no surprise that over a third of all new business set up under our Start Up loans initiative in the past 12 months have come from black minority ethnic entrepreneurs.
This year also marks the 65th anniversary of the arrival of the Empire Windrush in 1948. I pay tribute to the Windrush generation and praise their fortitude and determination in overcoming those unjust hardships and challenges.
Those early migrants did so much for our country, and paved the way for their children and subsequent generations to make enormous contributions to Britain in the 21st century.
I wish everyone taking part in fantastic events up and down the country all the best.

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